Fyrirlestrar Miðaldastofu

Pierre-Brice Stahl

Vafþrúðnismál: A Fair and Just Riddle Contest

Fimmtudaginn 28. september 2023 kl. 16.30 / Thursday, September 28, 2023, at 16.30
Fyrirlestrasal Eddu / Edda auditorium 

Pierre-Brice Stahl

The poem Vafþrúðnismál features the meeting between two mythological figures, the giant Vafþrúðnir and the god Óðinn, who engage in a verbal duel. A close analysis of the text and the genre of questions reveals that Óðinn is not seeking to acquire knowledge through his questions to the giant. The analysis of the nature of the interaction provides a new understanding of the poem and provides insights into various aspects of the poem that have previously been considered problematic. The presentation will demonstrate that the distribution of questions between the two protagonists adheres to a specific logic inherent in the text. Similarly, the analysis of the final riddle reveals that it is not ‘unfair,’ as traditionally interpreted, but serves a specific function: demonstrating Óðinn’s almighty knowledge.

Pierre-Brice Stahl is an Associate Professor of the History of Religion in Nordic Studies at Sorbonne University. He currently serves as the President of the French-speaking Association of Nordic Studies and as the Director of the Bachelor’s Degree program in Nordic Studies at Sorbonne University. His research focuses on pre-Christian religions of the North, as well as riddles and riddling. In 2022, he received his Habilitation for his research on the modern and contemporary reception of Old Norse Mythology.

Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn á ensku og er öllum opinn. / The talk will be delivered in English and is open to all.